Windows 7 Ultimate, security update KB2436673 failed with error code 80071a91.
Found here:, entry by vivekyadav75
Hi Friends,
Please check TxR folder in (c:\windows\system32\config).
If it is not there create it and issue will be resolved.
If not follow following commands.
1. Bring up an elevated (Administrator) command prompt
2. Execute the following commands sequentially:
a. fsutil resource setautoreset true c:\
b. cd %windir%\system32\config\txr
c. attrib -r -s -h *
d. del *
3.Type: Cd c:\windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine
Type: Attrib –a –h –s *.TM*
Type: Del *.TM*
Issue will get fixed.
Thanks and regards,